as you may have noticed, i have been absent from this little blog for a while. i've been busy...and i've been thinking.
i jumped into this blogging thing as a fun hobby for my project-driven self. now that i've been in the real world for a few years, and the post-college dust has settled, i'm finding that i have an abundance of time. i work. i go to the gym. i hang with my friends. i watch tv. i read books. but i don't create, or i didn't, until i started RIC.
part of blogging, for me, is reading other blogs. there is so. much. out there. it has been really fun to get a little peek into other people's lives in this way. to see that this weird need to create something expressive and informative and about oneself is something many of us share. that is the positive.
the negative is that there is this sheen over so many blogs. the sheen of perfection. i like a pretty ethereal bokeh as much as the next guy...but that is not real. i think it would be nice to read a blog entry titled "how to drag your ass out of bed and get to work when you REALLY don't feel like it" instead of "how to perfectly style your nightstand" or "DIY: ombre glitter nail polish tutorial."
so, in the interest of honesty:
i do not have a pet. i do not have a boyfriend. i do not own a home. i will not be starting a business anytime soon. sometimes, on sunday, the only productive thing that i get done is laundry. i probably spend an embarrassing portion of my income on food/drinks/entertainment. i am not sure if my nightstand meets "perfectly styled" qualifications.
and yet...i still lead a very enjoyable life.
i'm twenty five. a college grad. employed (in a field that actually has
something to do with my major. finally.) i live in the best city in the
U.S. (in my limited worldview opinion.) i have amazing friends. i have a wonderful, supportive family with whom i am very close. i laugh a lot. i consider myself a happy person. i regularly stay up late into the night, surrounded by friends laughing and doing stupid things. i don't apologize for any lingering immaturity because i am too busy drinking. it. in. i know that too soon those 4 a.m. conversations will be gone. and if all i'm left with at that point is ombre glittered nail, thank you to that.
i'd apologize for sounding negative, but that would contradict my point. just know that my plan is to remove any sheen from this here blog. it's my little corner of the internet, and i plan to give you a peek into my life. honestly.
Preach it sista! I thoroughly enjoyed this little heart to heart you had with the faceless reader. Sometimes we need to hear it straight.