it's that time of year. the time where you have to peel yourself off your driver's seat every time you exit your vehicle. the time where it's too hot to lay out, and not much better in the pool. the time where other people in far-away lands start talking about cozy sweaters and just the thought of that makes you itch and sweat. when i was little, i used to flip through the back to school copies of lands' end and wonder where in the hell these people lived that would be wearing tights or corduroy on their first day of school. meanwhile, some demented person decided it would be a good idea to make our school uniforms out of some type of 100% unbreathable plastic. i wish i was joking. one time my mother melted my skirt while she was ironing it...

and yet i cling to summer. the long days, the warm nights- i love it. the many hours spent doing nothing around various bodies of water. cold beers that stay cold just long enough to continue to be refreshing. that sense of unrest because summer is so unscheduled. it's the best.

so i'll say a reluctant goodbye to august and to summer with a few pictures of what's been going on this month.

remember the King of Everything from a few posts below? he knows all the best shows. another reason he is the King of Everything. this was a free show (also served free beer...pinch me) featuring Little Dragon, A-Trak, and Big Boi. it was hot, sweaty, and AWESOME. first show i've ever been front row for, which means i could actually see the bands. when you are my height this is very. exciting.
favorite song from each artist below:

Little Dragon- Shuffle A Dream
Yeah Yeah Yeahs (A-Trak remix)- Heads Will Roll
Big Boi- Shutterbug
i could do a whole post on this show. FYI, the King of Everything got me into this show, too. for free. i need to buy him a car or give him my firstborn or something to express my gratitude. this was Lindsey Buckingham playing solo in a very intimate show at Antone's. as Fleetwood Mac is one of my top 3 bands of all time, i was ecstatic to get to see him. we're talking about a guy that has done it all...and he was still so excited to be on stage at this small show. it was incredible. a few of my favorites he played are below.

Bleed to Love Her
Never Going Back Again
Big Love
random Tuesday night at Kung Fu with some friends. it's basically a grown-up arcade...they've got it all. buck hunter happened to be broken that night, so we focused our intellectual and physical efforts on to skeeball, foosball, and giant jenga. what they don't tell you when you're a kid at chuck e. cheese is these games are really easy unless you're playing them one handed because your other hand is holding a beer. so...yah. i blame my lack of skill on that. not too shabby for a Tuesday.
oh yes oh yes oh yes they both oh yes they both oh yes they both reached for...the controller. of the video game. roommate and i finally set up her old nintendo and let me tell you. within an hour we had defeated bowser, saved the princess, and were partying with toad and luigi. not really, we kept dying and only got to world five. still so fun. this reminds me. brother, if you're out there, and remember the cheats, send 'em my way.
saving the best for sister moved to Austin to start college! that's her little cherub self sitting on my dad's shoulders at the beach. she just finished rush- talk about sweating. christ. the whole thing was a fricking nail biter. for her, sure, but me too. it's over and had a happy ending but GEEZ i'm glad she only has to do that once. she started classes yesterday and my pangs of jealousy and pining for yesteryear started right around the same time. i made her dinner last night, as any good matronly-spinster-older-sister would.

i'm so happy to have her around. what is it about baby sisters. they keep you young. they make you laugh. and then you see a picture like this and they just break your heart with their cuteness. look at her little face. those eyes! those curls!

so, farewell to summer and hello to fall. one thing makes it easier... 

more on football mañana.

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